I just started a new blog on Relationship Advice. I'm branching out and trying to cover topics such as dating, communication, trust, advice, divorce, marriage, sexuality, and even parenting.
Make sure you stop by and visit the blog at http://Relationship-Solutions.net/blog
Also, if you are a Relationship Expert, you need to stop by my blog and let me know if you're interested in a recording an interview. I'm putting together a teleseminar series to offer advice in different areas of relationships. Relationship Experts, please let me know if you are interested. Readers, let me know if you'd like to be notified when I release the series.
Stop by and leave a comment on the other blog and let me know what you think and what you want to read about.
To Your Relationship!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Relationship Advice Blog
Friday, October 17, 2008
10 Signs Of Cheating
Well, it's been a while since my last blog. I apologize for that. I've been busy designing my homepage, and when it's finished, I think you'll agree that it is exactly what you need.
In the meantime, I've been publishing articles like crazy to try and help you with your relationship issues. In fact, I just published an article today that addresses top 10 signs of cheating.
Give the article a read and let me know what you think. Don't forget to check http://advice.lovedetour.com. I've been writing articles over there and they seem to be working well for people judging by the feedback I receive.
Until next time!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Financial Affairs: Tips to Overcome the Tough Economy
So the recovery bill was shot down today...why? I don't know. It is a terrible move that will almost certainly push us into recession, and possible put us in a depression.
What happens now? Well, if they don't come up with another plan, your 401k, stocks, bonds, and all of your investments could be lost. Saving Wall St. saves Main St.
The Dow could push as low as 8,ooo, but let's hope not. More businesses will close, and unemployment could reach as high as 20-30 percent. Scary stuff!
What does it mean for your relationship?
Consider that some affairs are caused by financial insecurity and evaluate the status of your relationship.
Women especially seek affairs to financial reasons. They feel their spouse isn't providing for them, and fantasize about someone who can.
Recession Proof Your Marriage
In order to not be victimized by this recession, you have to put yourself in better financial situations, without compromising enjoyment and togetherness.
1. Stop spending on big ticket items...NOW! (TV's, Cars, furniture, etc.)
2. Improve your performance at work. If your company needs to slash it's work force, work hard so that it won't be you.
3. Find cheap alternatives to spending money when taking your spouse out. Instead of a trip out of town on the credit card or dinner and a movie, how about a day at the apple orchard and a good ole fashion fall hay ride.
4. Learn how to prevent an affair and how to catch your spouse cheating! Buy the book, "Cheating Spouses Revealed".
Don't let the economy affect your level of happiness in your marriage. Work at preventing the affair by focusing on how much you enjoy being with your spouse, and how much you appreciate everything they do. Let them know how much you love them, and you can get out of this tough time with your spouse by your side.
To Your Marriage!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Secret Affairs: Sex After Infidelity
Secret Affairs. They Suck!! But if you want to recover and share a life with your partner, there is a huge hurdle...Sex After Infidelity!
It's a big question for a lot of people, and it's important to share sexual love with your spouse to find total happiness. But it's tough because a major trust has been violated.
In order to have sex after infidelity you have to re-establish trust in the relationship. You have to communicate your feelings and establish what is really preventing you from sharing yourself with your partner again.
If you were the cheater, you have to be open and understand that your partner has been hurt, and it is up to you to prove your trust. If you were the victim, you need to understand that if you want the relationship to continue, you will eventually have to forgive your partner.
I've written an article that you can view by clicking here.
The article talks about having sex after infidelity. Enjoy!
To Your Relationship!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Follow Through With All You Do
Yesterday I blogged about setting your 100 day goals. I think goals are an important aspect of life. How do you achieve anything if you don't have a goal to shoot for?
I don't want anyone to think that I'm not setting goals of my own here. I do practice what I preach. Today, I committed myself to that New Year Resolution for the last 100 days, and I'm determined to live a healthier life down the stretch of 2008.
I've committed to a plan to lose weight. Not a diet, an intense, monitored regiment, complete with support from medical staff. Now, I'm not incredibly overweight, but I would feel a lot better if I lost about 20 pounds.
So why do I need a such a structured system with a support group? Because support groups keep you on track to achieving your goals. When you have someone pushing you, and even working toward the same goals as you, you are better equipped to achieve success.
So when you are setting your relationship goals, find it in you and your partner to develop a plan to achieve your goals, and find a support group to share your challenges and successes!
In the future, I will offer a private community for you to join, but in the mean time, log into our squidoo page and share your thoughts and questions.
You can log into our squidoo page at:
You can create an alias for your profile if you wan to remain anonymous. Share your thoughts!!
I'm also working on a new project right now to help you achieve ultimate happiness. For that project, I'm conducting case studies and surveys to help with research. If you'd like to complete a survey, join our FREE newsletter to be notified!
Register for the FREE Newsletter here:
If you can't wait until our next product is released, and you need instant help, pick up a copy of our E-book, "Cheating Spouses Revealed".
You can get your copy by clicking the following link:
Remember, it's not what happens to you; it's how you handle it that will determine whether you are miserable or happy!
To Your Marriage!
Monday, September 22, 2008
100 Day Resolution
Today is a HUGE day for me. Each year, millions of people put together a new year's resolution, in which they set out to change certain behaviors in their life. For most people, this resolution has failed by February.
If you are one of those people, then you can start up a new resolution right now. The 100 day resolution. You see, today is September 22. That means their are 100 days left in the year, the perfect chance for you to finish strong and make the changes you need to make in your life and in your relationship.
If you need relationship help and are serious about being happy, then you have to click here!
100 days is plenty of time to take the next step to relationship bliss. Don't wait any longer. Finish the year on a happy note, and put your plans in action.
If you have maintained your resolution, this is also a great check point. I like to evaluate my progress toward my resolution at this time. I grade myself and see how I am doing toward my goal.
I have fallen off pace on some areas, but I've been able to help so many people that I have to say so far, I've been successful. My ebook has been released and I'm creating a new product as we speak, which aims to help build a bond in your relationship and connect with your partner like you haven't done in years!
I can't tell you too much about the new product yet, but you will learn more in the next couple of months. You can, however, buy the ebook now, by clicking the following link.
100 days is a long time, and a great point to start establishing finishing goals for 2008! If finding happiness in your relationship is in your goals, I am recommending a great source for help below.
Good luck in your relationship success!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Oprah: The Truth About Cheating
Last week, Oprah had relationship expert M. Gary Neuman on her show, and there has been a lot of buzz created because of it. Neuman is the author of the book The Truth about Cheating: Why Men Stray and What You Can Do to Prevent It and he took a lot of slack for some of what he had to say.
I thought his book was great, and I highly suggest that you grab a copy. If you watched the show, you know that he was giving it away for FREE for 2 days, but that time has long since passed.
Unfortunately, now the only way to grab a copy of the book is to pay for it. You can click below to buy a copy for yourself.
A lot of the controversy that surrounded the show was how different people interpreted what Neuman was saying. See, Neuman pointed out that in his research, he found that men didn't always cheat for sex, but rather because they were not feeling emotionally connected at home.
A lot of women felt that he was making excuses for men cheating, and giving them an out, all the while placing blame on women for their husband's affair.
I do not think this was the case at all. Rather, I think Neuman was pointing out that men are not just about sex, and that they do have certain emotional needs that need to be tended to. Similar to women, men need to feel an appreciation from their spouse, and a sense of value and importance.
In his study, which encompassed over 25,000 men, men really needed to feel important. Men are built with a desire to compete, and part of that is winning. It's important for a man to feel like a winner. At a minimum, he at least needs to be in the game.
Do you ever notice how passionate men get about sports? They get crazy involved, like they have some sort of stake in the outcome. But what about when the game is a blowout, or they feel there isn't enough time to come back? The bubble kind of bursts, and the room gets a little quiet. They lose interest in the game because they (their team) has lost or are out of it.
"The Truth About Cheating" is an excellent book that covers a lot of great topics to help prevent affairs, catch affairs, and recover from affairs. It's a perfect compliment to "Cheating Spouses Revealed". You can pick up "The Truth About Cheating" by clicking below.
You can also grab your copy of "Cheating Spouses Revealed" by clicking here!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Breach of Trust: Prevent the Affair
At what point is the right time to seek help when you think your spouse is cheating? The answer, quite simply, is immediately. That's right, the moment you start feeling insecure about yourself or your relationship, it's time to seek help.
Whether your partner is having an affair or not, the fact that you are having these feelings is cause enough for concern. The truth is, even if your spouse isn't having an affair, there are some deep problems in your relationship that you need to control before they do lead to an affair.
If you think your partner is cheating, you probably aren't meeting each other's needs. And contrary to what many people believe, men also crave emotional attention! Men also are born competitors, so they also need to have a sense of winning.
This is not to say that women should lay down and do as their man says, but bait him and make him feel a sense of pride and importance in your life.
Men, even more critical for you is to make your spouse feel valued in the relationship. Women, even more than men, crave affection and conversation. Men need to learn to show compassion and care in a more sensitive manner.
I know you hear all the time about how you have to communicate better, and from me, you will often hear that the easiest way to communicate better is to start out by asking each other what they need and expect out of the relationship.
When you begin to understand what your spouse or partner expects from you and the relationship, you can focus on making their expectations a reality. Share with each other what you want and need, what you like and dislike. Don't be afraid to share your feelings. Keeping them bottled up will destroy you, your partner, and your relationship.
Staying involved with each other and satisfying each other are great ways to help prevent an affair. You should also find similar interests and activities to share with your spouse. Again, this is a great way to communicate. Asking your spouse what they like and matching them to your likes shows that you care. It will also give you a chance to spend some quality time together that you both will enjoy.
Dating your spouse is crucial. You dated throughout the courtship, but when people marry, they often stop dating and their marriage grows as stale as 3 day old popcorn. I believe that it is critical that you set aside some time for just the 2 of you. Even if you have kids, find a sitter and take your partner out. Make them feel special. Rekindle those emotions from prior to being married.
Another suggestion is to constantly flirt with your partner. Flirting can bring out some intense feelings. Flirting can arouse the mind and body, and build anticipation for what could happen next. It also shows your spouse that you still love them, want to be with them, and are happy that you are together.
These are just a few tips that I couldn't resist sharing with you today. If you would like to learn more on how to prevent an affair and learn other great ways to build a trusting and exciting foundation for your relationship, subscribe to our FREE Newsletter.
To Your Relationship!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Unfaithful Spouse: Simple Reasons Cheaters Cheat
It happens time and time again. You feel like your spouse isn't around, and that they are no longer their for you. Depression and anger take over, and you don't know what is happening. All people keep telling you is that you have to leave, or you need to communicate better.
It's always easy to diagnose a problem, but the real impact is finding a solution. That's what we are all about.
If you are having doubts about your partner, or think you have an unfaithful spouse, you are going to want to read the article that I just had published on Love Detour.
I give some great tips on why people cheat, and help provide some solutions to prevent cheating. If you are already having these feelings, something is wrong with your relationship and it's time to get help.
Make sure you get the help you need. If you can't wait for the answers, and need to know if your spouse is cheating, then you can go to my website and buy my book now.
You can also sign up for my free newsletter by clicking here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Secret:Affairs and Selfishness
I've been getting a lot of emails relating to selfishness and the turmoil that it can cause. I made a little video to help understand selfishness and how it can be good.
Watch the Video
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Love Detour: Follow Me There
As summer comes to its unofficial close, it's time to move back to reality. If you were having relationship problems before, you might have made concessions during the summer months, but now that reality is upon us, the intensity of your struggles moves onward.
It's time to dedicate yourself to understanding what the underlying problems are in your relationship, and how to identify solutions to those problems. Better yet, you come up with the problems, and I'll help with the solutions!
Allow yourself some reflection time to really identify what problems you are having and what you are really expecting out of your relationship. Compare your expectations to your reality and analyze what you find. Is your partner meeting your expectations?
Chances are, the answer is no. But the next question becomes "Why"? It is quite possible, and very probable, that they don't know what you expect of them. How can they? Have you told them?
Complasency can take over a relationship after the courtship, and we tend to forget what we knew about our partner, and failed to evolve with them.
You have to update each other on what your likes and dislikes are, what your goals are, and what you expect from your partner and your relationship. Spending some time together and writing these down, and then discussing them is a great way to promote meaningful conversation.
Imporving your communication can help turn your relationship around. You have to work at understanding each other to make your relationship grow.
I found a great community that welcomes people like you and I. It is an entire social community dedicated to relationship success. It is a place where you can share your struggles and offer advice to other members. It is also a place where you can have experts at your hands, or just 1 click away. And best of all, it's FREE!
Now, I learned of this site when they invited me to be an expert on the advice side of the site. I encourage you to join the FREE community and follow my articles and comments while you're their.
The site is Love Detour, and I hope you'll join me and thousands of others just like us. It is unique in that it is a member site, but its free and while you have access to other members's advice and opinions, there is also an "Expert" division which you can also utilize for the obtaining the answers and support you need. Check them out at www.lovedetour.com
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I Just Posted a New Video
I just posted a new video for you to check out. It's a shorty but goody. In the video I discuss different needs of men and women and how failure to meet those needs can lead to an affair. Check it out!
Subscribe to my video list to get access to my future videos.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
FREE Infidelity Support Community
We have been working to put together a FREE support community, and we think we have established something that can work. If you are interested in joining our group to help you and others cope with infidelity, then visit us to become a member.
All we ask to establish membership is that you make a contribution in some way, by posting topics yourself or providing feedback to other members. We are a community of people in need of support, and the best answers come from other members who have been through the same things.
Your interest and feeback is appreciated by all who join. To help others and share your stories, click here.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Cheating Spouses Caught With New Product!
The much anticipated release of my new product is here! If you want to learn to catch a cheating spouse, you have to visit my site to learn more.
I have just released a 120 page ebook that is sure to help you in your quest to prove the truth about your sposue.
But my book really has 4 compenents to help you.
1. It will share with you what clues your spouse is leaving you without them even knowing.
2. It will tell you what tools to use to catch your spouse in the act.
3. It will help you decide if you should stay in the relationship or leave.
4. It will give you tips for building a successful relationship, whether it is your current one or a future one.
So what are you waiting for? You've got to act now if you want to cash in on the FREE Bonuses! There are 3 FREE BONUSES!
1. 60 days of one on one email support
2. An invitation to an upcoming LIVE Tele-Seminar with an expert.
3. A one on one, 1 hour interview with me, Brandon Grittini, that is actually an extension of the book!
If you think your spouse is having an affair, then you have to get the book! Simply go to:
http://www.relationship-solutions.net and click on the link that says either "I think my husband is cheating" or "I think my wife is cheating". Enjoy!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Newsletter Started!
I just wanted to announce to everyone that we are starting a newsletter to help identify problems and offer solutions in your relationship. If you need help learning what is wrong in your relationship, or if you wonder if your husband or wife is having an affair, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get the help you deserve.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Why Do Women Cheat?
Cheaters, cheaters..and it seems men are the ones who are always labeled cheaters. Well, women cheat, too.
But why do they cheat? Men and women cheat for different reasons. The main reason men cheat is for sex, and more sex. Women cheat to fill an emotional void in their life. Another distinct difference is that men are more likely to cheat on a "whim", whereas women tend to think it through longer and plan their "fling".
To learn more about why women cheat, or how to catch your wife cheating, you can click the links or read more from my blog.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Even Famous People Have Affairs
Even famous people are having affairs. What makes you think you are not at risk? The latest story comes from John Edwards, the former presidential hopeful. He just announced that he had an affair with a woman in 2006, but that he is not the father of the 5 month old daughter the woman has.
Add Edwards to the list of others and we see that infidelity is becoming more and more common for many reasons. First and foremost, there are just greater opportunities with most homes consisting of 2 working parents. Another key reason for the increase is having a global economy. Globalization means that more and more workers are out of town traveling for business, separating themselves from their spouses and opening up time to cheat on their partner.
None of this makes anything right. Just because it's John Edwards or any other famous person, doesn't mean you have to tolerate infidelity.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Men: How to Talk to Women
Attention Men:
I have been checking my inbox from the weekend, and it seems I am getting several emails asking for advice on how to talk to women. If you've been sitting at home and wondering why you are spending your weekends alone, you have to click this link.
This guy, Jack Rockwell, has written an awesome manual on how to talk to, date, and pick up women. The best part, is this isn't written by some 70 year old man. It is written by a young guy, with new, proven techniques. He is not out here sharing any outdated techniques. He will show you how to gain the confidence you need using methods that will work TODAY!
If you want to learn more about what he has to say, be sure and click the link...you won't regret it!
Does My Spouse Still Love Me?
You have been married for quite a while now, and you feel like the interest from your spouse is fading. It's a natural feeling, and for good reason. Sometimes it drives you nuts and you can't help but wonder, "Does my spouse still love me?"
When we start dating someone, we do our best to try and impress them, making them believe we are the perfect person for them. If we really like this person we are trying to impress, we work harder and harder at trying to get them to like us. We constantly talk to them, learn who they are, what they like and what they dislike, becoming more and more familiar with them.
We care about what kind of day they had and how they are feeling. Then, after spending time courting this person, we feel like they are the right one, and think we can spend forever with them.
Upon this discovery, you propose entering into a marital relationship. But what happens when the courtship is over and the marriage begins?
Typically what I find is that people feel like marriage is the end all, and that they can just go through the motions to make it last. But NO marriage will last with that type of attitude. In fact, no relationship would. You would not be married to the person you are if you didn't work everyday and showing interest and proving that you care.
Your caring attitude and unconditional love is what drew you to your spouse in the first place. You likely could have found someone else to marry if you worked at another relationship as hard as you worked while you courted your spouse.
Why stop, then? People often get lazy when they get married. We see it in all apsects. Too often you stop dating your spouse, stop caring for them, stop wondering how their day was, what new things they learned today, and what new interests or dislikes they have.
If you fall into this category, you've probably gotten lazy at other things as well. You may not try as hard to maintain your appearance, you may not exercise, perform activities you otherwise used to, or even cared as much about yourself.
It Takes Work:
Marriage takes work to sustain. Keep paying attention to your spouse and yourself. Keep doing the things you did when you were courting your spouse. When you are unsure of what to do or how to act, by all means, ask your spouse. This is a great way to build communication with your spouse, ask them how they are doing, if they are happy, and what more you can do to make them even happier.
Your spouse will appreciate that you've paid attention to their needs and that you still care how they feel. With improved communication, you can keep learning more about your spouse grow together every day. You may find new things to do together, new places to go, and increased love and affection between the two of you.
Remember, marriage is not an end to anything. Keep working at your marriage and you will live a long and happy life with your spouse.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Must Read Article
I know I tend to focus my blogs on affair topics, but it's also important to focus on staying together. All too often, we are focused on the negative aspects of our lives and relationships, and we forget about the positives.
Sometimes, the power of the law of attraction kicks in, and even though something may not be really going on, we create a problem by focusing our attention on proving ourselves right.
My advice is to focus your attention on the good things you have going on in your relationship. Focus on dating your spouse or partner, as marriage is a life-long committment. Notice the word "comittment." It doesn't mean once you get married you stop working on making things the best you can be. It means work everyday to make you and your spouse happy.
There is a great artile that you must read. It shows how critical we can be at times, and how we can overlook the true meaning of what we are saying. You can check it out at http://hubpages.com/hub/Men-Are-Dogs
Don't forget to follow the link. If you like the article, leave a comment and become a fan so you can read more article like this.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Home Private Eye Kits
Because infidelity is becoming more and more common today, people are becoming more and more suspicious. They may even have a good right to be suspicious. Of those who think their spouse may be having an affair, 85% of women and 50% of men are CORRECT!
That is a staggering statistic.
While there are several reason that contribute to why a person may have an affair, I want to focus on trying to put an end to the doubts you are having and prove once and for all that your spouse is or isn't having an affair.
You could take the old fashioned approach and hire a Private Investigator, but the price they charge for what you get can be absurd. Besides, what if you spouse isn't cheating? How much do you really want to pay for that?
I have done some extensive research and found a great on-line company that can offer so many great products to make you an "At Home P.I." , if you will. They have everything you need, and everything you can imagine.
Clicking the following link will take you to their site:
You can find semen detection kits, personal lie detectors, GPS systems, computer spy ware, hidden cameras, background checks, and email search systems. Now, they have multiple products in multiple categories with varying price ranges, so you are sure to find one that will fit your budget and your needs.
One of my favorites is the personal lie detector. It is value priced and works great! Simply record the persons voice, discretely of course, then, when you think you are being lied to, record their voice again. The little thing will tell you if they are lying!
They also have GPS systems that can be placed in a car, and through the easy to use computer software, it will tell you the location of the vehicle! Amazing!
Click the following link to see all of their products:
They are sure to have something for you. Just browse their products, read the information, find the one you like, and ta-dah! You will be shipped your product with a discreet name on your credit card and discrete packaging at your door!
Check out the link to become your own Personal P.I!
Thanks for checking the blog. If you have any comments, feel free to ad them. I'd love to hear what you think.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Affairs and Infidelity
I have a lot of people asking me about affairs lately, and maybe they have good reason. There are a lot of studies out there that try and gather statistics on the number of affairs. The problem is, affairs are so secretive that even the data we do have is probably skewed because people still don't feel comfortable telling the truth in anonymous studies.
What we do have suggests that affairs are very much common place. There are several reasons for this, but one of the greatest reasons is the growth of women in the workplace. Now, I don't want to suggest in any way that I blame women for this, because it is absolutely not there fault. However, their presence in the workforce has made infidelity much more accessible.
There was a time when the majority of women were housewives; they stayed at home and cared for the children and the home while the husband was out at work providing financially for the family. While the husband was at work, his place of business consisted of mainly men, with very few females. It would be very difficult to strike up a workplace affair. It would also be difficult for a woman who is a stay at home mother to carry out an affair while she is with the children.
With the growth of women in the job market, affairs become much more simple to execute. A work-place affair can grow from a simple business lunch, a dinner meeting, an after work cocktail, all the way to a full fledged affair.
Affairs aren't always a plan. Sometimes they really do "just happen." That is not, however, an excuse for having one. You see, a lot of the time, these meaningless lunches and dinners help to facilitate a friendship. They begin very casually, as most friendships do, where you really just start to learn a little about the other person. Then they begin to grow. You begin to share your goals and dreams, and confide in the other person by sharing the difficulties you are having in your life.
Soon, these friendships grow to feel more like dating. You can share so much more with this person than you can with your spouse. Why? This person is their for you, to listen to you, to comfort you. Your spouse used to be like this, but now everything turns into a fight. You can't share your true feelings.
Most of the time these affairs don't work out. In fact, when a couple that was having an affair decides to get married, the divorce rate is above 80% for that couple. See, when you are having this affair, it is a false relationship. Affairs, while tempting, lack the emotion necessary to sustain a long term status. They ignore faults in on another, which is interpreted as a false feeling of love.
So if you are having problems with your current relationship, my advice is to not rush into any type of affair. You were married to the person you are for a reason; you love that person. So work on that marriage and be their for your spouse. Marriage is not easy. No one ever claimed that is was.
The biggest lie we live in our lives is the courtship of our spouse. We try to impress, to become this wonderful person that we think the other wants to be with. Then, when we reach the pinnacle, marriage, we quit working at it, and expect something different. Why is it that during the courtship we work so hard to please our partner, but once we are married we stop?
You have to go back to working on your relationship. Start from the beginning. Think about the things you did together that you enjoyed, the conversations you shared, the things that brought you together, that made you fall in love. Do these things. Communicate with your spouse all of your feelings, and listen while they communicate yours. Marriage does take a little work to be successful, so work at it.
If you quit working on your marriage, you will have difficulty in it. To expect something different and not work at it is the definition of insanity. Spend some time learning your spouse again, and an affair won't even be a thought for either of you!