Thursday, September 25, 2008

Secret Affairs: Sex After Infidelity

Secret Affairs. They Suck!! But if you want to recover and share a life with your partner, there is a huge hurdle...Sex After Infidelity!

It's a big question for a lot of people, and it's important to share sexual love with your spouse to find total happiness. But it's tough because a major trust has been violated.

In order to have sex after infidelity you have to re-establish trust in the relationship. You have to communicate your feelings and establish what is really preventing you from sharing yourself with your partner again.

If you were the cheater, you have to be open and understand that your partner has been hurt, and it is up to you to prove your trust. If you were the victim, you need to understand that if you want the relationship to continue, you will eventually have to forgive your partner.

I've written an article that you can view by clicking here.

The article talks about having sex after infidelity. Enjoy!

To Your Relationship!


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