Relationship mistakes can really threaten your happiness. Most of the time, you don't even know you are making relationship mistakes. You think you're being romantic, special, and a warm, good lover.
But why do the same fights keep happening over and over again, then? Well, I guess everything isn't going exactly to plan.
Here is a little dating and realtionship advice to help you keep a happy relationship once you land the partner of your dreams. If you avoid these 5 common relationship mistakes, you're already better off than most of the poplulation.
These are not in any particlular order.
1. You Assume Too Much!--This is the biggest barrier to effective communication in your relationship. Don't assume you know everything about your partner, especially how they feel.
2. You Ask Lawyer's Questions--A lawyer's question is one that you already know the answer to. Lawyers are trained to ask questions this way. They are questions that build their case. Your relationship is not always about you being right. Ask detective questions, which get to the truth.
3. Rush Into Sex--You've probably done this one too! You can't rush into sex. You have to take things slow, and really get to know someone. This is hard, especially if you haven't been laid in a while, but if you have sex too soon, it becomes expected, and you may never establish true intimacy.
4. Treat Your Partner Like Crap--Would you treat your boss the way you treat your lover? Many times, we put our partner's down without even knowing it. We bully them, yell at them, and fail to respect them. These same things would get you fired at work, yet we expect our lover to stick around.
5. Settle For The Wrong Person--Why settle? You have to have respect for you first, and you can't let your fears allow you to settle for someone that doesn't make you happy. Learn to love being alone, and you will learn to be happy without the person who is ultimately destroying you.
There are many more relationship mistakes, but if you just learn these five, understand them, and avoid them, you will be well on your way to a happy relationship.
If you liked this blog, share your comments. Do you have other mistakes that keep happening to you? Let other readers know by leaving a comment.
You can get more advice like this, from some of the best dating and relationship experts around, by visiting They've partnered with some of the top dating and relationship coaches and put together the best tele-seminar series of it's kind. If you'd like to learn more, visit their homepage for dating and relationship advice.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Relationship Mistakes: 5 Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Relationship
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dating Advice: Where Do You Sit?
I'm not sure where you sit when you go out on a date, but for me, I'm the kind of guy who sits across from my date. I like to look at her, engage in the conversation, and show her that I really care about what she has to say.
I know some people love sitting next to each other, but I just don't get it. That's why when I read this article about a little where do you sit dating advice, I had to send it your way.
It's a pretty good article, and does share one theory about why people do sit on the same side of the booth. I never thought of it either. Have you?
Even if you don't go check out the article, although you should, it's pretty funny, let me know where you like to sit. Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that people sit on the same side?
Now stop paying attention to me and grab some dating advice!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dating Advice: Weight Loss Secrets
If you want some dating advice, here it is: take pride in yourself. It sounds easy, I know, but you have to make yourself look good.
Taking a little pride in yourself and your appearance shows some strong qualities about you and who you really are. It shows that you care, that you are prideful, that you have a little ambition. The opposite sex will appreciate that very much.
There is a lot you can do to show a committment to yourself, but today, I want to talk about weight loss.
Many people are afraid of diets, exercise, and whatever else they can think of. This is something to really concentrate on. This isn't just dating advice either, you really should look good for your partner if you are in a relationship, but most of all, you should really look good for YOU!
I don't care what people tell you. Most diets are fads. They lose steam fast. Honestly, how often do you hear someone talk about the "Atkins Diet" anymore?
Weight loss isn't easy, but there are things that can make it easier. You can exercise, of course, eat better, and find some of the tricks the starts use. The latter is the hardest to discover, because unless you're among the whose who in Hollywood, you're out.
Until now. I'm not making any promises or guarantees, but if you're serious about weight loss and want to try the newest Hollywood Diet, then you have to check out the Acai Berry from the Amazon.
This little fruit is like weight loss magic! If there is such a thing. And if you don't believe me, go to the Acai Berry Website and sign up for a FREE trial. They'll send you a months worth of pills to try out, and all you pay is shipping of $6.95.
And they have a 60 day guarantee. If you don't think this little magic berry is helping you to lose weight, then send back whatever you have left and they will refund your money!
So try before you buy. You don't have to take my word for it. They are backing up this Acai Berry with their own wallet.
So if you are serious about losing weight, and don't want to commit to an exercise program, then this little berry can help you lose your tummy for less than the cost of a gym membership.
If you've already tried this out, share your story by making a comment. That way everyone else will know that this is the real deal, and I'm not just making this up. But really, they are backing it up by letting you try it for free and giving you a 60 day money back guarantee.
If you are looking for more tips on how to lose your belly fat and get rock hard abs or a flat sexy stomach, then join the newsletter that keeps you updated.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Catch A Cheating Spouse: Fake Your Caller ID
Catch your spouse cheating with this cool little trick I just learned about. If you ever wonder if your spouse is cheating on you, this is a stealth method for catching them.
You're not gonna find this trick everywhere, but there is an article about it that I posted on an article site. This could piss off a lot of cheaters, because it's a useful way to catch your lover cheating without them knowing it's you!
It's gonna piss the cheater's off because they think they will be talking to the person they are cheating with, and you will shock them with the reality that it's you!
Now, I could tell you more about it, but I'd like you to read the article I posted. You'll learn what the trick is, how to use it, and where to get it!
So go read my article, and learn how to catch a cheating spouse!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Twitter: What The Heck Is It?
Social media is taking over. Facebook. MySpace. Digg. Stumble. And Twitter? What the heck is Twitter?
There is a good chance, since there are 100 million ACTIVE users, that you are using Facebook. So what the heck is Twitter, you ask again.
Twitter is a status update, kind of like the "what are you doing know" bar on FaceBook. Twitter is a community of people where you can share what you're doing now with all of your friends, called "Followers".
Unlike Facebook, you can have unlimited numbers of people following you. Every time you give an update, all of you followers will see what you're up to. Then they can comment directly to you, or they can comment indirectly to the masses.
It's a great tool to see what's up. And you can search Twitter to find information that interests you. For instance, in the search area, type in a topic you're looking for. Let's say, "dating advice". It will pull up every "tweet" where someone has used the term "dating advice".
Using this feature, you can:
1. Find new people to follow because they share common interests
2. Read their "tweet". It's usually a short message that will often direct you to a blog or article about what you're looking for.
Once you read their "tweet", you click the link they offer and read the message, which goes into more detail about the topic.
You can also just send a "tweet" to your friends to let them know you are going out to your favorite spot, or whatever. I'm telling you, it's great.
Get to know Twitter. Everyone is doing it. And the best part.....It's FREE!
Yeah. That's right. It costs you absolutely nothing to stay connected, let everyone know what you're doing know, and sift through information to quickly find exactly what you're looking for.
So go to Twitter. Register an account (FREE). And start searching and following people that interest you. Soon, you'll have a whole list of people following you wondering what you are doing now!
Be the popular person on the internet. Join now and tell your friends about it.
PS: You can get it to link directly with your Facebook profile, so every time you type in Twitter, it automatically updates in your Facebook profile! Awesome!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Relationship Advice
Single. Married. Divorced. There are different problems each of us face in relationships, but typically, the same problems happen over and over again. Who wants access to information that will help them find happiness in their relationship?
Happiness seems hard to come by. You fight. You argue. And you fight and argue some more. Do you ever wonder why the same arguments keep happening? How many times to you ask yourself if you're with the right person?
Relationships aren't easy. What makes them particularly hard is that we ever never taught how to be in a relationship. There is no school, no textbook, no homework. It's all learn as we go. The closest thing to lessons we have is learning from our parents. But let's be real. How healthy is their relationship?
What if there was a course out there that could help you? What if you could avoid common relationship mistakes? Learn how to meet the right person? Learn what you're doing wrong? Learn how to get your partner to commit?
The program will soon be available. is developing a members only program with the top relationship experts in the country. It's an audio series, that will download directly to your computer. No shipping, no physical product, no need to feel embarrassed. It's totally discreet, and totally for you.
If you need relationship advice, they've got you covered. Single? They will teach you where to find the right person and what to look for in your mate. Married? They will teach you how to overcome the common struggles marriage presents. Divorced? Life isn't over. You can find the relationship that will make you totally happy, even after a divorce.
They've interviewed top experts to reveal secrets others have been hesitant to share. You can gain access to this program by visiting the site and registering so you can be notified when the doors to membership open.
Create a healthy relationship and find your true love!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Who Hates Valentines Day?
Ah, another Valentines Day. And who knows what it really is, besides a day that you are told you should really love the one you're with, and if you're alone, a day to feel like a complete loser because you don't have someone to share it with.
If you're single, it really sucks! I remember when people would ask what I was doing on Valentines day. What are you supposed to say? It's like you're reminded that you don't have anyone, and you feel more alone. You also can't go hang out with any of your friends who have someone, because they are "celebrating" Valentines day.
And how many people complain about it. Men that they have to buy stuff for their lady, and women because it's really a false sense of love they get from their man. Why can't he buy you flowers on random days? Doesn't it mean less if he's told to do it?
Roses. More and more, even women hate roses. Why? Because it's so cliche! They want men to be a little more creative, so they feel a little more special.
Is Valentine's day a Hallmark holiday? Of course it is. If you bought a card, flowers, candy, or jewelry just because of what day it is, Hallmark won.
So what's your story? What are your Valentine's day thoughts? Do you love it? Hate it? I want to hear your reasons why. Just click on the comment tab below and let me know what you think. And if you're looking for relationship advice, there is a site that can help.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Connect And Commit
I just finished recording an interview with one of the internet's most well known Relationship Author/Expert, Amy Waterman.
Amy agreed to share some information from her soon to be released book, "Connect And Commit: The Definitive Path To A Strong, Committed Relationship". We'll post a link to that book as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, if you'd like to hear the interview, there is only one way to do so.
Visit our website, Relationship Solutions, and register for the Free Newsletter. We'll give you a free gift just for doing so. Then, when the interview is released, we will email you details of how you can get it!
Since most people can't wait, I will share a little about what Amy and I discussed. Naturally, we talked a lot about commitment, since that is what her new book is about, but we covered some other topics as well.
First, we covered 6 stages of every relationship.
1. Fall In Love
2. Reality Check
3. Power Struggle
4. Re-Evaluation
5. Reconciliation
6. Acceptance
In the interview, we discuss in detail more about each stage, but it's important to note a few key things. What is most astonishing is that only 1 out of 20 couples, or 5%, actually reach the final stage, Acceptance. That may explain the high divorce rates! This Acceptance stage is where we actually feel the overused term, "Unconditional Love".
In relationships, we often turn to "blame", when things don't go our way. We can blame our lover for why we are unhappy, but in reality, you must first look within yourself, and find your own imperfections. When you can spot your own imperfections, you can truly begin to grow your relationship. You will find that you are not perfect, and neither is your partner. The question is, whether or not you are perfect for each other.
I don't want to give away the entire interview, so if you want to learn more, visit Relationship Solutions, and register for our newsletter! If you want to look at some of Amy's work that is available to you, check out her site on Attracting and Approaching The Opposite Sex!
Don't be afraid to share your stories, comments, or questions. Click the comment tab below and tell us what's on your mind. And keep checking the blog. We'll tell you a little more of what Amy shared with us. Don't miss her advice on common relationship mistakes people make, and what to do when your partner won't commit!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Relationship Advice: Where Do You Need?
Everyone seems to have relationship trouble at one point or another, and sometimes, you need a place to turn. Have you ever turned to the Internet to seek Relationship Advice?
It's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. In fact, it is one of the best places to turn. Not only do you get great advice from experts, but you are able to keep it confidential. The expert doesn't even know who you are, so you don't have to worry about it getting back.
What do people look for on the internet? Well, it varies depending on your situation. Some want to know where to find love, if the one they are with is the "right one", if they have a cheating spouse, or how to create a loving relationship.
The possibilities are as endless as the answers. So what do you look for when you turn to the internet for relationship advice? Let me know by leaving a comment. I'd love to hear what you have to say.