Monday, February 23, 2009

Dating Advice: Where Do You Sit?

I'm not sure where you sit when you go out on a date, but for me, I'm the kind of guy who sits across from my date. I like to look at her, engage in the conversation, and show her that I really care about what she has to say.

I know some people love sitting next to each other, but I just don't get it. That's why when I read this article about a little where do you sit dating advice, I had to send it your way.

It's a pretty good article, and does share one theory about why people do sit on the same side of the booth. I never thought of it either. Have you?

Even if you don't go check out the article, although you should, it's pretty funny, let me know where you like to sit. Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that people sit on the same side?

Now stop paying attention to me and grab some dating advice!

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