Thursday, February 12, 2009

Connect And Commit

I just finished recording an interview with one of the internet's most well known Relationship Author/Expert, Amy Waterman.

Amy agreed to share some information from her soon to be released book, "Connect And Commit: The Definitive Path To A Strong, Committed Relationship". We'll post a link to that book as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, if you'd like to hear the interview, there is only one way to do so.

Visit our website, Relationship Solutions, and register for the Free Newsletter. We'll give you a free gift just for doing so. Then, when the interview is released, we will email you details of how you can get it!

Since most people can't wait, I will share a little about what Amy and I discussed. Naturally, we talked a lot about commitment, since that is what her new book is about, but we covered some other topics as well.

First, we covered 6 stages of every relationship.
1. Fall In Love
2. Reality Check
3. Power Struggle
4. Re-Evaluation
5. Reconciliation
6. Acceptance

In the interview, we discuss in detail more about each stage, but it's important to note a few key things. What is most astonishing is that only 1 out of 20 couples, or 5%, actually reach the final stage, Acceptance. That may explain the high divorce rates! This Acceptance stage is where we actually feel the overused term, "Unconditional Love".

In relationships, we often turn to "blame", when things don't go our way. We can blame our lover for why we are unhappy, but in reality, you must first look within yourself, and find your own imperfections. When you can spot your own imperfections, you can truly begin to grow your relationship. You will find that you are not perfect, and neither is your partner. The question is, whether or not you are perfect for each other.

I don't want to give away the entire interview, so if you want to learn more, visit Relationship Solutions, and register for our newsletter! If you want to look at some of Amy's work that is available to you, check out her site on Attracting and Approaching The Opposite Sex!

Don't be afraid to share your stories, comments, or questions. Click the comment tab below and tell us what's on your mind. And keep checking the blog. We'll tell you a little more of what Amy shared with us. Don't miss her advice on common relationship mistakes people make, and what to do when your partner won't commit!

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