Sunday, March 1, 2009

Relationship Advice: Creating Intimacy

Creating Intimacy is a challenge for a lot of couples. Intimacy is more than something sexual that occurs in the bedroom. Intimacy is the emotional connection with you and the one you love.

The biggest fundamental building block to creating intimacy in your relationship is communication. Unfortunately, most couples are afraid to communicate. Fear can hold a lot of couples back. Fear is the biggest reason most people wed the wrong person.

Intimacy is creating by sharing your positive and negative experiences with your lover. It is not a challenging or threatening conversation; it's intent should be to move the relationship forward.

You should not be telling your partner everything they are doing wrong. It will certainly put them on the defensive, and prompt them to fire back at you, and possibly even run away.

What you should do to increase the intimacy is to communicate your FEELINGS! This is something that too few people do, and it affects the growth of their relationship. One thing that can never be challenged is your feelings. That is what makes them YOURS!

When you express how something makes you feel, your partner is more willing to accept that they need to change. In most cases, their intent is not to hurt you, so presenting it this way will make them receive it and commit to change.

If you were to challenge them by telling them that what they did was wrong, they wouldn't see it, and would attack back. This is because most of the time their intentions are good. If they didn't mean to hurt you, they can't accept it.

Creating Intimacy starts with communicating with your partner. Be sure to communicate in a non-attacking fashion, and your message will be better received.

Brandon Grittini is the author of the book "Cheating Spouses Revealed". He studies relationships and how to make them better. If you are interested in learning more, you can get more advice for relationships by visiting the homepage of his new website,


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