Friday, March 6, 2009

Marriage Inspiration: Do You Believe You Can Change?

So things can get tough, I know. Especially in this economy. So I decided to make this blog more about creating and inspiring you, rather than only focusing on problems in relationships. I am going to post articles to move and inspire change in you, making you a happier person. This change WILL lead to a happier marriage.

Do You Believe You Can Change, Or Not?

Personal growth and development is an ongoing process and
many people seeking to make changes in their lives know
that any success comes from changing their thought. But
also many find this to be not as straight forward as they
thought. With the movie, "The Secret" the Law of Attraction
has been brought out and embraced by many, but the movie
actually is just a basic introduction on the Law of
Attraction not a full blown 'how to' course.

Unfortunately many are left thinking that all they need to
do is think their way into any success or new life
experience. Managing your thinking is a large part of how
you make changes but not all there is to it. It does not
help that some teachers just do focus on the changing of
your thought without delving any deeper. This basic part of
The Law of Attraction deals with only your conscious
thought, but does not get into the power your unconscious
thought holds over your everyday thinking, feeling and

One of the major factors that come into play when you are
trying to change your thinking is with your unconscious
thinking, and most importantly your beliefs. You have deep
seated beliefs that have been established, mostly without
your awareness, and are an integral part of your automatic
operating system. These beliefs are how you have chosen to
view yourself, the world, other people and everything that
goes on around you. How you see everything, how you react
to it and the actions you take are greatly regulated by a
set of beliefs.

Now, you are probably aware of some of your beliefs, but
just because you can't describe them all does not mean they
are not there. Many people either are not aware of the
extent of these beliefs or they choose to ignore them
hoping they can override them with changing their conscious
thought, it usually doesn't happen this way.

One of the beliefs that can have a profound affect on you
relates to your ability to make changes. If you have been
having difficulty making any changes you may be being
blocked by your beliefs related to your ability to change
or have anything better. Your beliefs are locked in to your
automatic unconscious operating system, so everything you
think is filtered through those resident beliefs. You can't
fool them or bypass them.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself, and you may
know the answers by some feelings you've had without
knowing exactly why you have had them.

* Do you believe you can instigate change in your life or
is that up to someone or something else?

* Do you believe you are worthy of the changes you say you

If you can answer yes to either or both of these questions
or you have a strong feeling that you can, you have beliefs
that support those ideas. Giving those questions some deep
thought, you should know if they are true for you, as you
will likely have had related feelings in several areas of
your life.

Here's the bottom line, your thoughts and beliefs will
determine the outcome of your efforts. The difference is
that your conscious thoughts are visible to you and the
unconscious is not. And the unconscious patterns such as
beliefs have been verified and confirmed many times in your
life, these are 'known facts' to your unconscious mind.

Day in and day out, these beliefs are there to filter and
direct your thoughts, feelings and actions with regard to
the specific belief. As you follow the direction of these
automatic beliefs you are further validating them, thus
providing them with more proof and power within your
overall collection of thoughts.

All the efforts you want to make to changing your life will
go in vain if you hold a belief that you can't instigate
change, that you are unworthy of the change you want, or
that you must wait for it to be done to you or for you. If
this is the case with you, you will need to address this
belief before you can have, do or be anything different
from what you experience right now. Your current experience
is the result of your thinking, which includes your
beliefs. Your current life experience is the evidence of
what caused it.

So, if you have not been able to change after much effort,
there is a reason. Some thought patterns are preventing it
and it's most likely unconscious beliefs. You can actually
believe anything you want, you just need to know that you
can and that you can alter the existing beliefs if you

Your continued personal growth and self realization depends
on a firm belief that you can instigate change yourself,
and that all the power in the universe will support your
thoughts just as it does the commands contained in a small
seed The only difference is that you can change your
thought, but the seed must stick with what it came with.

John Halderman, I write about effective self improvement
methods, more specifically how you can bridge the gap
between information and creating effective results. To
learn more about what you just read here and to discover
how this can help you change your life, follow this link,

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